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de gleaner When we hear the word Education we immediately relate it with knowledge. However, getting educated doesn’t mean the same as gaining knowledge. Education can be defined as a formal process and product of gaining knowledge. For example, a person has a lot of knowledge about computer programming. He/she knows how to use programming software such as C++, Java, and PHP in developing and formulating computer programs. However, he doesn’t have a degree in computer Engineering. For a single post of Computer Programmer, reputed IT Company invites applicants. Along with him, there is another applicant who has the same level of knowledge of Computer Programming; however is a graduate of a University. Who has a better chance of getting the job? Obviously that of the graduate. The meaning of getting educated lies in this answer. In today’s competitive job market, an educated person is more preferred than an uneducated person. The reason behind this is the potentiality of the graduate to ...

देश अस्तव्यस्त,जनजीवन त्रस्त । बर्बाद छ हालत,अब त खान पनि पाइएन । म छक्क परेँ-“अरे ! कस्लाई गफ दि’राछौ यार ?”, “के गफ दिनु,साँच्चै भन्दैछु”-उसले भन्यो । साँच्चै,उसले खाना खाने गरेको होटल त अस्ति को दिन देखि नै बन्द भैसकेछ । पैसा छ नि,पैसा नै खानु भएन । खाने सामल-चामल,दाल,तरकारी सबै छन् तर पनि होटल बन्द छ । के गर्नु ? “मेस (क्यान्टिन) पनि चल्न अझै एक हप्ता लाग्छ होला, कता जाने यार ?” अर्को साथीले पनि थप्यो । “मेस मा चाँही कसरी खान पाइन्छ होला र ! मेस चामल,दाल,तरकारी भएर मात्र चल्ने हैन क्या’र, मेस चलाउन पनि ग्यास र मट्टितेल चाहीयो नि !” – मैले भनेँ । “त्यही त भन्या”, अघिसम्म मौन बसेको अर्को साथी बोल्यो । क्याम्पस को वरिपरि यस्तै करिब १ दर्जन होटलहरु छन् तर अधिकांश होटलहरु बन्द छन् । क्याम्पस को क्यान्टिन पनि सञ्चालन मा छैन (करीब १ महिना अघि नै बन्द भएको हो) । होटल कुनै संघ,संगठन र मजदुर ले बन्द गरेको नभै,होटल ग्यास र मट्टितेल को अभाव मा बन्द भएका हुन् । होस्टल मा बस्ने मात्र न’भै क्याम्पस मा आउने सबै शिक्षक तथा विद्यार्थीहरुको खाना खाने ठाँऊहरू बन्द छन् । वरिपरि रहेका १ दर्जन होटलहरुमा ...

Ishan de gleaner The reality of my life Is the cruelty to my wife Yes, I killed her with a knife And I hit her with my club Until unless she sob And became pale yellow red I wished to see her dead Because I was slowly fed And had to wait for long in bed Then I stroked on her head And kicked her to the damp shed. Now in this city ride She cried and I tried to hide Because my poor guide Knew it was a crime Against the regime who sent Those policemen to my rent Oh no! My hands were bent By them who took me to the jail My attempt to get bailed failed Yes failed because this was my time To pay for my crime And now for my Goddess Wife I hymn And expect you wife-hitters to rhyme. (Ishan has written this poem when he read "The Savage Male")

होस्टलमा हिजो बिहान आएँ , मतलब मेरो एकदिन होस्टल मा बित्यो अर्थात मेरो होस्टल जीवन को पहिलो दिन हिजो थियो । होस्टल मा सामान,काठमाडौँबाट कसरी ल्याउने भन्ने चिन्ता मलाई परेको थियो । त्यसैले एकपटक जडिबुटी मा ट्याक्सीलाई सोधेको थिँए , धुलिखेल केयु जान कति लाग्छ ? ड्राइभरले १ हजार मात्रै हो,भन्यो । म झस्के , अनि आफ्नो बाटो लागेँ । तर सामान त जसरी भएपनि लानै पर्छ , होस्टल मा । धेरै सोचियो, के गर्ने । केयु एक त नौलो ठाँउ फेरि केयु झन्डै १ किलोमिटर भित्र छ , अरनिको राजमार्ग बाट । त्यहाँ (वनेपा) सम्म सामान त सजिलै लान सकिन्छ बस बाट नै, त्यसपछि ??? उफ् ,साह्रै गाह्रो होला जस्तो छ । जे होला, सोही टर्ला भन्ने मानसिकता बनाँए , अनि सामान (झोला-झाम्टा) काठमाडौँ-धुलिखेल चल्ने बसबाट बनेपा को सालिकचोक मा ओरालेँ । भदौ को महिना पानी सिमसिम परिरहेको छ । मन मा कता-कता डर लागिरहेको छ , सामान कसरी लाने ? गुन्टा-झोला खलासीले बसबाट झिकेर त्यही हिलो भुँइ मा राख्दिसकेको छ । झोला गुन्टा भुँइ मा राखिसकेपछि , म कसैलाई कुरेझैँ गरी घडि हेर्दै यता र उता गर्न थालेँ किनभने बनेपा चोक मा भएका मान्छेहरुले मलाई नै हेरिरहेको ...

-sul4bh The reason why you aren't a millionaire (or on your way to becoming one) is really quite simple. You probably assume it's because you aren't earning enough money, but the truth is that for most people, whether or not you become a millionaire has very little to do with the amount of money you make. It's the way that you treat money in your daily life. Here are 10 possible reasons you aren't a millionaire: 1. You Care What Your Neighbors Think: If you're competing against them and their material possessions, you're wasting your hard-earned money on toys to impress them instead of building your wealth. 2. You Aren't Patient: Until the era of credit cards, it was difficult to spend more than you had. That is not the case today. If you have credit card debt because you couldn't wait until you had enough money to purchase something in cash, you are making others wealthy while keeping yourself in debt. 3. You Have Bad Habits: Whether it's smokin...

-sul4bh Since long I have been thinking about this topic "If there is the coldest temperature ever possible, the absolute zero, then there must also be hottest temperature". I found this QA somewhere, read... Dear Cecil: What is the opposite of absolute zero? I can accept the idea that there's a coldest possible temperature, but I like my limits in pairs. Is there a limit to how hot things can get? If so, what is it and why is it? --Mark Stewart, Chicago Dear Mark: There is a limit, sort of, but it's so inconceivably large that nobody but high energy physicists talks about it (although as I think about it absolute zero doesn't exactly qualify as breakfast table chatter either). The highest possible temperature, called the Planck temperature, is equal to 10^32 degrees Kelvin. For comparison, the center of the sun bubbles along at 15 million degrees K (15 x 10^6); silicon can be created by fusion at 1 billion K (10^9). In short, the Planck temperature is very toasty...

नेपाल को स्थिति यस्तै छ : गणतान्त्रिक राजतन्त्र समय साप्ताहिक मा चसक शीर्षक मा प्रकाशित अबिन को कार्टुन संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र पारित व्यवस्थापिका-संसद्ले अन्तरिम संविधान संशोधन गरी मुलुकलाई संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य बनाउने निर्णय गरेको छ । गणतन्त्रको कार्यान्वयन संविधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकबाट हुनेछ । संसद्को दुई तिहाइले संविधानमा तेस्रो संशोधन पारित गरी मुलुकलाई गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य बनाएको हो । सभामुख सुवास नेम्वाङले संविधानको तेस्रो संशोधन शुक्रबारै प्रमाणीकरण गरेका छन् । राजाले संविधानसभा चुनाव हुन नदिन गम्भीर व्यवधान गरेमा संविधानसभा निर्वाचनअगाडि नै गणतन्त्र कार्यान्वयन गर्न सक्ने व्यवस्थासमेत संशोधनमा छ । अन्तरिम संसद्ले दुई तिहाइबाट गणतन्त्र कार्यान्वयन गर्न सक्नेछ ।

-आकार अंग्रेजी नयाँ वर्ष २००८ को आगमन भएको छ , तपाईहरु पनि “पार्टि” मा जाँदैहुनुहुन्छ होला, मोज गर्नुस्। वास्तवमा हामी भोज ख्वाउन भन्दा पनि खान माहिर छौं। भन्ने नै हो भने , भोज हाम्रो नेपाली संस्कृति नै बनिसकेकोछ । जस्तो हेर्ने हो भने , हाम्रो समाज मा जन्म देखि मृत्यु सम्म नै भोज गर्नुपर्छ । जन्मेपछि गरिने न्वारन,पास्नि,ब्रतबन्ध,बिहे आदि ईत्यादिलाई भोज को पर्यायबाची शब्द भनिदिँदा पनि फरक पर्दैन । तर “ घाँटी हेरि हाड निल्नुपर्ने ” व्यक्तिले पनि अरु को देखासिकी गर्दा भने “ भोजको ऋणको बोझ ” उसको घाँटीमा पासो सरह जीवन पर्यन्त झुन्डिरहन्छ । अहिले त हामी भोजलाई पार्टि पनि भन्न थालेका छौँ । तपाईको परिवार मा कसैको जन्म भयो , सबैले तपाईलाई घेर्न थाल्छन् , के हो पिता जी भईसक्दा पनि पार्टि नगर्ने ? त्यस्तै, हेर्नुस है शर्मा जी , पास्नि चाँही न्वारन को भन्दा अलि दह्रो हुनुपर्छ है , ….. आदि ईत्यादि । कसैले SLC पास गर्छ , फेरी भोजकै कुरा , हैन यत्रो पास हुँदा पनि भोज नख्वाउने , १२ पनि पास गर्छ , सायद डिग्री पनि गरिसक्छ तर भोज ले उसलाई छोड्दैन । भोज खान खोज्ने जिब्राहरु यत्रतत्र भेटिन्छन । त्यस्तै ...

-sul4bh 10. Magellan circumnavigated the world Everyone knows two things about Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. One, he was the first man to circumnavigate the world; and two, during this historic trip, he was killed by natives in the Philippines. Of course, those two things tend to contradict each other. Magellan only made it half-way around the world, leaving it to his second-in-command, Juan Sebastian Elcano, to complete the circumnavigation. 9. Nero fiddled while Rome burned We all know the story of mad Emperor Nero starting the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, then fiddling while the city burned. However, this would have been impossible. For one thing, the violin wouldn't be invented for another 1,600 years. OK, some versions of the story suggest that he played a lute or a lyre - but then, scholars place the emperor in his villa at Antium, 30 miles away, when the fire began. Though he was innocent of this disaster, however, there is much evidence to show that he was ruthles...

-sul4bh It is said that those who don't know history are condemned to repeat it - and as any history buff can tell you, much of history is something you would NOT want to repeat. However, many well-known historical "facts" are myths, with no basis in fact. Here (and in the next few segments) are 20 of the most common, which have misled and misinformed people for years, decades, or centuries. 20. Eve ate a bad apple An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but they have still had bad publicity as the "forbidden fruit" that Eve tasted in the Garden of Eden, thereby making life difficult for all of us. Yet nowhere in the biblical story of Adam and Eve is an apple mentioned. It is simply called "the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden" (Genesis 3:3). OK, it COULD have been an apple, but it might just as well have been an apricot, a mango, or any other sort of fruit. 19. Newton was hit by an apple Apples continued to get bad press with t...