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Miss Nepal 2011 [LIVE Tweets] #MissNepal2011

Miss Nepal 2011: Malina Joshi. Congratulations!!! (Update)

17th edition of Miss Nepal 2011 beauty pageant has kicked off at "Nepal Army Officers' Club" in Kathmandu this afternoon.

Miss Nepal 2011

19 beautiful and talented ladies contestant are participating in the grand finale of Miss Nepal 2011. Program is jointly hosted by Ramon Shrestha and Bhumika Thapa.

Miss Nepal 2011
Contestants are:
Prasmita Sharma 01
Nisha Joshi 02
Manisha Bista 03
Namrata Dahal 04
Neha Paudel 05
Prasansha Rana 06
Malina Joshi 07
Shreeja Shrestha 08
Shruti Pandey 09
Pratibha Shrestha 10
Aruna Shrestha 11
Dipenti Shrestha 12
Madina Begum 13
Rajita Khadka 14
Bishnu Chemjong 15
Sarina Maskey 16
Biki Gadtaula 17
Neeta Yogi 18
Anupama Gurung 19

Miss Nepal 2011

In the grand finale of Miss Nepal 2011, following people are seated as judge:
Jenisa Moktan, Romi Pradhan, Yogeshwor Amatya, Rajendra Bajgain, Sailaja Acharya, Srijana Rana, Diapk Kharel,Ajaya Bhadra Khanal, Manisha Koirala, Ritu Singh Baidya. Yeso Bardhan Pradhan is cheif Judge.

Miss Nepal 2011

Top 10 Semi-Finalist: Manisha Bista, Neha Paudel, Prasansa Rana, Malina Joshi, Shruti Pandey, Pratibha Shrestha, Bishnu Chemjong, Sarina Maskey, Biki Gadtaula and Anupama Aura Gurung.

Miss Nepal 2011
Top 5 Finalist: Sarina Maskey, Anupama Aura Gurung, Manisha Bista, Malina Joshi, and Neha Paudel.

Question: If women were to rule the world how different would be the world by 2050?
This question has been asked in the final round by Yeso Bardhan Pradhan. Contestants gave written answers and read it out. Contestants were given 3 minute time to write their answers.

Title Awards
Miss Beautiful Hair: Anupama Aura Gurung.
Miss Photogenic: Manisha Bista.
Miss Beautiful Smile: Pratibha Shrestha.
Miss Personality: Namrata Dahal.
Miss Beautiful Complexation: Neeta Yogi.
Miss Talent: Bishnu Chemjong.
Miss Perseverance: Madina Begum.
Miss Popular Choice: Neha Poudel.
Miss Nepal 4th Runner Up: Neha Paudel
Miss Nepal 3rd Runner Up: Manisha Bista
Miss Nepal 2nd Runner Up: Sarina Maskey
Miss Nepal 1st Runner Up: Anupama Aura Gurung
Miss Nepal 2011: Malina Joshi

Miss Nepal 2011
Malina Joshi became the Miss Nepal 2011. Many many congratulations to her. Originally from Sunsari she has completed her MBA from Ace Institute of Management.

Miss Nepal 2011
Tweepals are tweeting about Miss Nepal 2011 with a hashtag #MissNepal2011. Miss Nepal was started in 1994.

Images via: Miss Nepal Facebook Page, The Himalayan Times


  1. thanks for posting live here

  2. congratulation 2011 nepal missx

  3. congratulations to all the contestests,miss nepal family and winner as well......
    This evening,i was watching Miss Nepal live show on TV...i enjoyed very much but some questions,i really didn't liked.......i felt it's very cheap questions......
    I still remember one question,it goes like this......WHAT WOULD U DO,IF YOU FOUND ONE HUNDRED RUPEES ON STREET?
    I was coufused,which would be the most sweetable answer for this question.....???

  4. not fare not fare not fare..................i waana talk with the judges......................

  5. come here with me judges...ill give u more knowledge about fashion and beauty contest..............u gotta guts dan do add me at [email protected]

  6. yes u many things are missing.

  7.  i put it into my pocket :)) its not that i dont value 100 rupess but honestly speaking if i found 100 rs i put it into my pocket and be happy for being my lucky day adn share my joys to my close one :))
    stupid question n  stupid answer

  8. khoi...... yespali ko miss nepal malai chitta bujhena......:P

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