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Common Sense Questions for Nepal’s Rulers [Re-Blog]

Dear Rulers
You have been ruling us for some time now, some of you, for 5 or 10 or 15 or even 20 years now.So we want you to answer a few questions below.

a) Why are 601 constituent lawmakers needed when at the end only 3 or 4 politicians decide everything for them?

b) Why do you stop hydro-power companies from investing here, if you talk about hydro-power as a major export and development catalyst for Nepal? (we go 14 to 18 hours without electricity a day each winter)

c) Why do you talk about democracy, when you issue “whip” to your members to only be allowed to vote along party leaders lines?

d) Why do you talk about us youths as Nepal’s future, when we are clearly the “present” of the country? (82% of Nepali are under 40)

e) Why do you call other countries to help and beg for aid if you don’t want any foreign interference? (30% of economy runs on aid)

f) Why does Bagmati still stink when over 25 years, there are 100′s of organizations and government bodies working to solve it?

g) Why do you talk about transparency when your parties don’t reveal who funds you?

h) Why do you treat our remittance workers like third grade Nepali, when they are responsible for $3.5 Billion income?(nearly a third of Nepal’s income?) (have you seen us stand on passport lines in offices, insulted in airports, extorted by your cronies etc)

i) Why are 1200 Nepalis stuck with going abroad every day for a job despite our two neighbors, India and China growing at near 10% each year?

j) Why did you come together to launch a revolution in Nepal 4 years ago if “gaas, baash ra kapaas” (गाँस, बास र कपास” is still your slogan on random walls? (prices are up yearly 20% since you took over?)

k) Why do we Nepali need you anymore?

Thank you again for helping answer these questions.
Sincerely Nepal’s,

A Nepali. (Insert your name)


Note: We have re-posted this post here in this blog from

Image credit whenigrowupcoach


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आकार पोष्ट रेडियोको पहिलो अंकमा स्वागत छ । आजको यो अंकमा ट्विटरले केही दिन पहिले पासवर्ड परिवर्तन गर्न जारी गरेको सूचनाको बारेमा कुरा गर्दैछु । के कति कारणले, ट्विटरले पासवर्ड परिवर्तन गर्न सूचना जारी गर्‍यो, तथा प्रयोगकर्ताले के कति कारणले पासवर्ड तुरुन्त परिवर्तन गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने विषयमा यो अंक केन्द्रित छ । पडकास्टको यो पहिलो अंक परिक्षणको रुपमा मोबाइलमा रेकर्ड गरेर तयार पारिएको हो । कति सकिन्छ थाहा छैन, तर यस पडकास्टलाई साप्ताहिक रुपमा सञ्चालन गर्ने मेरो योजना छ, जहाँ सूचना प्रविधिका विभिन्न पाटोहरुको बारेमा कुरा गर्नेछु । हाललाई यो पडकास्ट एन्कर एफएम तथा स्टिचर एप मार्फत सुन्न सकिन्छ । ट्विटरमा प्रयोग भएको पासवर्ड अन्य साइटहरुमा (जस्तो: फेसबुक, गुगल, दराज, सस्तोडिल, ड्रपबक्स आदि) पनि प्रयोग गरिएकोछ भने, ती साइटहरुमा पनि पासवर्ड तुरुन्त परिवर्तन गर्नुभइ, इन्टरनेटमा सुरक्षित रहनुहोला। प्रो टिप: साइटहरुमा कहिले पनि एउटै पासवर्ड प्रयोग नगर्नुहोला। — Aakar Anil (@aakarpost) May 4, 2018

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