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How To : Vote Anuradha Koirala for CNN Heroes ?

You must be aware of CNN Heroes. This year, CNN has nominated Nepali philanthropist Anuradha Koirala in the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010.

A panel of CNN called “Blue Ribbon Panel”  has selected this year's top 10 CNN Heroes. According to,The names were chosen from more than 10,000 nominations submitted by viewers in 100 countries.Anuradha_cnnheroes5 Each of the top CNN Heroes will bag a purse of USD 25,000 and will be honored at "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute," airing from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Thanksgiving night, November 25, according to

The global broadcast will announce the CNN Hero of the Year, selected by the public in an online poll that began at 1 p.m. ET Thursday. One of the ten nominees receiving the most votes will win an additional USD 100,000.

How to Vote Anuradha Koriala for CNN Heroes?

Go to

1) Click on Anuradha Koriala’s Name/Photo

2) After Clicking Anuradha Koriala’s name, you will see her photo and Name under  ‘Your Selection’

3) Then you need to fill up the Captcha for security reason

4) Then click VOTE

You have done, Thank you message will be displayed.

Remember, You can vote again and again.

how to vote anuradha Voting continues until Thursday November 18, 2010 (6 a.m. ET). The CNN Hero of the Year will be revealed Thanksgiving night, November 25, during "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute."

Vote for Anuradha Koriala on CNN Heroes


Anuradha Koirala  is a widely recognized activist and lecturer who has dedicated her life to combating the sexual exploitation of Nepal's women and children. A former professor of English, she is the founder and Executive Director of Maiti Nepal and a world class hero.

Anuradha Koirala, the chairperson of Maiti Nepal has been nominated for CNN heroes Award. She has been nominated for her continuous and relentless contribution in the women's and children's issues, particularly in the prevention of trafficking within and from Nepal. With her unique leadership capacity, Maiti Nepal has made significant accomplishment in the rescue, repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration of the trafficked survivors, protection of vulnerable children and advocacy for a paradigm shift in the policy over the past 17 years of Maiti Nepal's history.

Anuradha Koirala has received several awards for the glorious initiatives taken so far regarding social issues concerning children and women. Some of the awards include German UNIFEM Prize 2007, Queen Sofia Silver Medal Award Spain , The Peace Abbey, Courage of Conscience Sherborne, MA, USA .

The CNN Hero award is awarded every year to those eminent personalities who make outstanding contributions in issues related social, political, human rights, health matters.

It is an unprecedented opportunity for Maiti Nepal and all its supporters , well wishers to achieve the global recognition of its contribution through this prestigious award. The winner is selected though global online voting on

We appeal to all the global community of  Maiti Nepal well wishers, partners to kindly vote for Anuradha koirala by logging into


  1. आकार जी जानकारी बाड्नु भएकोमा धन्यबाद र सफलताको कामना पनि गर्दछु !
    जीवन -आफ्नो लागी मात्र त पशु ले पनि बाचेको हुन्छ यहाँ ! अरुको लागि पनि बाचेर हेर त ! जीवन कति सुन्दर छ अनि अरुको लागि बाचेर पाउने खुसि नै आनन्द हो !
    हामी संधै केहि गर्न सकेनौ भन्छौ -जीवनमा ! राम्रो काम गर्न सकेनौ भन्छौ । तर कमसेकम राम्रो काम गर्नेलाइ साथ त दिन सक्छौ नि !!! त्यसो भए तपाइको एक भोट दिएर नेपालको अनुराधा कोइराला लाइ CNN Hero Of The Year बनाउन सहयोग गरौ ! Please!!
    न यहा राम छन्, नयहाँ बुद्ध आउछन् न कृष्ण नै ! यहा केवल असल मान्छे जन्मिन्छ देवको प्रतिनिधित्व गरेर !
    जस्तै अनुराधा कोइराला ! Voting continues until Thursday November 18, 2010.
    Your One Vote for Anuradha Koirala for ‘CNN Hero of the year’ & please share this link with your FB friends. Thanks.

  2. VIEW YOUR CHOICE starts VOTING CAMPAIGN for Anuradha Koirala-

    She has been selected by Blue Ribbon Panel of CNN Heroes as Top 10 CNN Heroes. Vote her for 2010 CNN Hero of the Year. As she has been a GOD mother nad has made an IMPACT. SO go for now-------->> VOTE FOR ANURADHA KOIRALA


    Mail us at

    [email protected]


    VIEW YOUR CHOICE World Wide Team
    Gaurav Kandel-Initiator

  3. Also i would personally Tahank Anil Ji and Aakar post team for the initiative they took.

    Thanks a lot and we expect the same for upcoming days :)

  4. Time is running out. Please vote for Anu EVERY DAY next 10 days until voting ends on 18 November! You can vote as many times as you want - in fact, CNN encourages it. Vote for those who have no voice. Please vote at least 50 times a day - and ask your friends to do the same.

  5. VIEW YOUR CHOICE starts VOTING CAMPAIGN for Anuradha Koirala-

    She has been selected by Blue Ribbon Panel of CNN Heroes as Top 10 CNN Heroes. Vote her for 2010 CNN Hero of the Year. As she has been a GOD mother nad has made an IMPACT. SO go for now-------->> VOTE FOR ANURADHA KOIRALA


    Mail us at

    [email protected]


    VIEW YOUR CHOICE World Wide Team
    Gaurav Kandel-Initiator

  6. He brother i have nominated Mahabir Pun dai as CNN hero 2011. Can you tell me how can I vote for him.


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