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Nepal: Deadliest Journeys [Documentary]

While browsing through Youtube, I've found one documentary which says, Karnali Highway is one of the most deadliest journeys of the World.

The Karnali Highway in northwest Nepal is the most dangerous stretch of road in the country. Cut out of the mountains, the 250 km road ascends 3,000 metres into the Himalayans. It's the sole lifeline supplying vital supplies to inhabitants of the poorest region of Nepal.

Deadliest Journeys Team followed the fortunes of those who, willingly or not, have to use this 'impossible' road. Drivers, travellers and merchants, the highway remains the fastest, if not the safest, way to get around in this mountainous region.

Watch Nepal: Deadliest Journeys [Documentary]

Video and Content were copied from Youtube.

Note: To watch this Documentary Movie (video) You may need to Log Into Your Youtube Account.


  1. Really deadliest..thanks for sharing.. :)

  2. This video contains content from current TV LLC, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds re !!!

  3. @anuma рд╣ोрд▓ा рдкрдиि ! рддрд░ рдпрд╣ाँ рдд рд╣ेрд░्рди рдоिрд▓्рдЫ !!! рдпुрдЯ्рдпुрдм рдоा рд╕ाрдЗрди рдЗрди рдЧрд░ेрдкрдЫि рд╕ाрдпрдж рд╣ेрд░्рди рдоिрд▓्рдЫ рдХि рддै ?

  4. @anuma рд╣ोрд▓ा рдкрдиि ! рддрд░ рдпрд╣ाँ рдд рд╣ेрд░्рди рдоिрд▓्рдЫ !!! рдпुрдЯ्рдпुрдм рдоा рд╕ाрдЗрди рдЗрди рдЧрд░ेрдкрдЫि рд╕ाрдпрдж рд╣ेрд░्рди рдоिрд▓्рдЫ рдХि рддै ?


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рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рдЯाрдЗрдк рдЧрд░्рдиे рд╕рдЬिрд▓ो рддрд░िрдХा

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The result of the SLC (School Leaving Certificate) examinations 2070/2071 that was held last year has been published today on Friday Evening. According to the Office of the Controller of Examinations, Sanothimi 43.92% students have passed the SLC examination. Altogether 566,085 students had appeared in the exam. You can download the SLC Result of 2070 in .pdf format from here: 1) SLC Result 2070 Regular.pdf 2) SLC Result 2070 Exempted.pdf How to check SLC Result? # Download/Click above Files/Links # Open File and Press Ctrl+F # Box will appear, Insert your symbol number and Search Files To view the results with the marks (mark sheet), you can visit following sites: Disclaimer! The record of the Office of the Controller of the examination will be official.

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