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I have never

  • Seen an Ocean : Yes, Never seen an Ocean, Because Nepal is a landlocked country. And I’ve not gone outside of Nepal
  • Been to a swimming pool : But sometime used to dive in Bagmati some years back in Sarlahi though I don’t know swimming.
  • Flown Overseas : Never flown to overseas.
  • Travelled on the roof of a moving bus : No, I’ve travelled on the roof of a moving bus many times. (When you are in group, its more fun.)
  • Jumped Out of a plane or a bridge (Bungee **Scary**) : Never, and I won’t.
  • Touched Snow – the real one, not that which is made in a fridge : Never touched a real snow but few years back, there was snowfall in Kathmandu. At that time I had touched it, but that make no sense at all.
  • Seen a 3D Movie : Though there are plenty of 3D Movies. :P
  • Seen an Imax Movie : Till date I've not seen.
  • Been on a roller coaster : Yes, Never been on it. I don’t like it.
  • Smoked : I’ve not smoked and will not smoke.
  • Gone Serious Trekking – though i live in Nepal : Haha, though I had walked from Sindhuli to Ramechhap (Crossed Mahabharat Range, and walk by the side of Tama Koshi river) many times till few years back, and it took whole day (to reach Ramechhap from Sindhuli and vice versa) for me at that time. But that was not trekking. :P
  • Visited a dentist : I’ve not visited a dentist. But last year I’ve gone to hospital because of toothache. I don’t know, he was dentist or not. ha ha
  • Owned a camera. (not even analog once) : Till Now, I’m using my Nokia 6300 as camera for my blog. :P (काम चलाउ सरकार भन्दा राम्रो नै काम गरिरा’को छ)
  • Been to a Gym : I’ve not been to Gym.
  • Seen a Lion or Tiger : Umm, I’ve seen them in Zoo.
  • Gone to any serious forest/jungle : But, used to walk through forest sometimes.
  • Applied for US Diversity VISA (99% of Nepalese have probably applied once) : I don’t like this trend.
  • Applied for VISA of any country : Never applied till date.
  • Gone more than 6 months in any serious day-job : I’m still a student. :P
  • Seen any Himesh Reshammiya Movie (this one for Bollywood Fans) : But Seen remake of ‘Karz’ in TV once.
  • Been to any underground concerts: I’ve heard that, Underground concerts are basically rock and metal concerts. And I don’t like rock and metal. :P
  • Been to a discotheque: Though, I love dance but I don’t like to dance. I mean, I’m not interested in dancing. And I’m not much social to been to a discotheque. (गित सुन्दै कहिँलेकाँहि एक्लै हल्लिनु बेग्लै कुरो) lol
  • Climbed on any high speed elevator : Does Dharahara has elevator?? :P
  • Been to top floor of any high rise building : I suppose Dharahara is not a building, instead a tower.
  • Met a Chinese: But, I’ve met a Chinese few years back in NTV 2 Building at Singh durbar. NTV 2 is supported by China, thus there were few Chinese Engineers. It’s really hard to have conversation with them, because they don’t understand English and I don’t understand Chinese except (Nihau : Greetings).
  • Had a buffet lunch/dinner: But, I had it.
  • Seen an actual theater play: But I’ve seen an theater play many times. Last time I’ve seen ‘Sapana ko Sabiti’ ( सपना को साविती) few days back at Gurukul Purano Baneshwor.
  • Used Linux: But I had. I’ve dual operating system in my Laptop, I’m using it alternately.Basically, When I’ve to do my project works, I use Windows as I’m going with ‘Dot Net’. Beside that, I prefer Linux.  It’s not a vague thing. If you use it once, you will love it. I’ve been using Ubuntu . :)
  • Owned any Smartphone: Yes, I don’t have. I just have Nokia 6300. Before Nokia 6300 I’ve Samsung classic which has antenna.
  • Drank Beer (Cant’t stand the smell of that shit) : Haha, But I’ve drank beer, just giving company to my friends. :P
  • Been on a plane in Nepal (only flew twice in India) : But, Only Once I’ve been on a twin otter plane in Nepal. From Janakpur to Manthali, Ramechhap. :D And Never been to India, though I’ve crossed the Nepal-India Boarder for an half n hour. ha ha
  • Been to any Nepali Airport : But, I’ve been to Nepali Airport few times.
  • Had an ICQ account :  I don’t have. Don’t get surprised I’ve never used  MSN, Live, Hotmail etc too.
  • Neither used IRC:  Never.
  • Been on TV Camera: But, Few times, I’ve been on TV Camera, when I was doing my +2. We used to participate in Quiz which were broadcasted through Nepal Television Channel 2.
  • Had a Girlfriend: Don’t get surprised.Till date, I’ve not got a perfect match. LoL. But I do have many untold-stories.And I’m still single. :P
  • Had a credit card: I don’t have credit card. 
  • Celebrated my Birthday : But I used to give small treat for my friends. Small treat might be a chocolate. :D
  • Received  gift ever from anyone ( someone send me  ): But I’ve received few gift from my friends and family.
  • And Last one, Though I’ve been to hospital but I have never been admitted in a hospital.
This Blog Post is totally inspired by Tajim Post, ‘I’ve Never’. And taken a help from Wagle’s and Anbika’s Blog too.This post is not a comparison with others but still all titles were taken from Tajim’s Blog.  :D
Image: nataliedee


  1. So you dont like dance? I was not surprised on that you dont have girl friend or you have many untold stories but I am really surprised that you dont like dance. I have met many people who doesnt know how to move body but still they love dance. Anyways, loved the post.

  2. interesting........ love to read this post again n again

  3. काम चलाउ सरकारको भन्दा राम्रो नै छ bichar.....

  4. he he he he - :D Kaam chalau sarkar



    It reminded me the Tag - Have and Have Not that we took few years back in blog :)

    ~ J


  5. I have been following this I HAVE NEVER thing and enjoying it everywhere, someday i will also include it in my Blog.
    I have read Tajim's Dinesh Wagle's and yours and there are many similarities amongst you.
    Best Wishes !

  6. बच्चा नै रैछ्उ नि तिमि त :) :)

  7. धेरै कुरो गर्न बाकि छ जस्तो् लाग्यो तर camera वाला comment चै राम्रो छ है

  8. @मिशुला: तिमीले बुढो सोचेकी थियौ कि कसो ?? :P

  9. Wow nice idea of confessing. Let me confess too, borrowing your titles :D.

    I have never:

    Travelled on the roof of a moving bus
    Jumped Out of a plane or a bridge (Bungee **Scary**)
    Touched Snow – the real one, not that which is made in a fridge.
    Gone Serious Trekking – though i live in Nepal
    Visited a dentist
    Gone to any serious forest/jungle
    Seen any Himesh Reshammiya Movie (this one for Bollywood Fans)
    Been to any underground concerts.
    Been to a discotheuqe.
    Been to top floor of any high rise building.
    Owned any Smartphone.
    Drank Beer (Cant’t stand the smell of that shit)
    Had an ICQ account
    Neither used IRC.
    Had a Boyfriend. (Wait!! is a husband considered as boyfriend ?)
    I have never been admitted in a hospital.

    लामै लिष्ट पो हुँदो रछ !! :D

  10. Aakar, Thanx for yor comments in my post. It is very interesting to read different people's views on the topic. I liked Tajim's concept.

  11. Aakar, Thanx for yor comments in my post. It is very interesting to read different people's views on the topic. I liked Tajim's concept.

  12. I have been following this I HAVE NEVER thing and enjoying it everywhere, someday i will also include it in my Blog.
    I have read Tajim's Dinesh Wagle's and yours and there are many similarities amongst you.
    Best Wishes !


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ट्विटरव्दारा प्रयोगकर्तालाई पासवर्ड परिवर्तन गर्न आग्रह [पडकास्ट 📻 ]

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