190th Nursing Day 2010 was observed in Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel Kavre with a motto “Yes ! I can” on May 12.
On the occasion of “190th Nursing Day” and “Florence Nightingale 190th Birthday”, a program was organized by Dhulikhel Hospital (Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital) in Kathmandu University CV Raman Auditorium. “Nursing Day-2010” was inaugurated by Madam Bishnu and Madam Regina by lightening the candle.
In the program Madam Regina Singh and 2nd year Nursing students gave presentation on “Concept on Nursing Code”. Likewise Sister Sulekha and sister Pratima Wenju gave presentation on “Nursing Activities of Dhulikhel Hospital – Kathmandu University Hospital” . They have given the brief introduction of ‘Dhulikhel Hospital and its ongoing program and activities’.
Though chairperson should be Professor Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma, Vice Chancellor Kathmandu University. But in his absence Chairperson Dr. Bhola Thapa, Dean, School of Engineering gave a speech on ‘Nursing Day 2010’. Dr. Thapa related the Nursing with Engineering and he added, “We are inspired by Nursing activities, Now Communities activities will be added in Engineering curriculum”.
Sr. Sherima Pradhan gave a presentation on “Nursing in the field of Chronic Care”. She focuses on the prevention of Chronic diseases as Chronic diseases are said to be incurable diseases. She said, “About 55 percentage Chronic diseases patient were admitted in Dhulikhel Hospital in 2009”. “We are coming with many plans such as public awareness program, campaign, concept of ID card for those patient” she added.
In the middle of program Professor Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma , Vice Chancellor Kathmandu University has arrived in the program and he wished best of luck for the program. Program was followed by Dance. Nursing student performed various dance in the program. Also, prize has been distributed to the winner of essay competition on “Chronic Disease” held by Dhulikhel Hospital. In an essay competition Laxmi Bhandari grabbed the first prize while Praju and Rubina Maharjan grabbed the second and third prize respectively.
Program was interrupted about half an hour due to load shedding, though they have managed the diesel generator. More than 400 people were presented in the program which was held in the evening from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.
“Happy Nursing Day 2010, wishes Nurses for their happy and successful career”
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