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Radha : Shruti Sambeg [Review and Download]

Radha by Krishna Dharabasi is wonderful novel based on traditional era of Lord Krishna and Radha. The traditional plot of the story makes the readers/listeners feel that Dharabasi is narrating us the same old story of love of Radha and Krishna. However , the story based on the traditional plot it portrays the modern era in a dramatic way such that it speaks of so many hidden things that we will be amazed while ending it up.

Radha and Krishna are the eternal lovers. Lord Krishna and Radha are together since childhood. But in teenage they are separated (as in the traditional story) and Lord Krishna has to go away leaving Vindraban for fulfilling the task for which he has taken birth.This brings tragedy to Radha and all the people in Vindraban.

Radha waits for Krishna to arrive but he seldom does. She is stubborn to go meet Krishna. Later she sets out as a Yogini in a long voyage to search self, leaving her parents. She is accompanied by her friend Bisakha everywhere she went.

Radha faces a lot of hardships along with her friend with whom she travels through different places. Later on another woman gets added in her journey. They are travelling and travelling till they decide to visit Krishna's place. Lord Krishna has a lot of wives but no one is in his heart as Radha is.Later on Radha again leaves the palace which was specially built for her along with her pals.

Then after travelling they come to live up with at a King's palace where Radha narrates her stories and writes. When the novel ends, it is being narrated by Aswothaama (अश्वत्थामा)

Radha is a novel of the love, determination and mainly it is about woman revolution against the patriarchal society.

Radha though the traditional character posses the quality of modern woman. Everyone talks about the victories of Lord Krishna and Radha is mentioned nowhere except in the name "Radheshyam". Though they are together like this and also in every temple Lord Krishna is never alone there is Radha's presence everywhere. Without Radha there is no existence of Lord Krishna and vice versa.

Radha revolts tries to find salvation after being tragic-stricken. She proves that woman can tackle everything. She shows the woman power and the strength that it must be shown for securing the identity and our lives. Radha seeks independence from her family, friends and her love as well. She tries to find her own existence in the world. She tackles the social beliefs and social hierarchies.

The novel is well written and its poetic feelings and the sentences arranged is such as way that it creates a different feeling in the readers. It makes us to feel the same sentiments that Radha has felt throughout the novel. We, ourselves become Radha and travel all the places that Radha has travelled. Laugh when Radha laughs and equally cry with her woes and become as aggressive as Radha is in the novel.

The traditional plot tells us a modern story where a woman is never as before. The society is being democratic and male and females are equal. The novel also gives us the outline of the insurgency period of our country especially when the narrator speaks of the war and famine.

Well, overall my personal view while listening the novel, I broke down many times while listening it and felt the same aggressiveness. I put Radha in my favorite book list.

After you listen to such a wonderful novel with such a melodious voice, what else you want? Well, I heard Radha in Ujyalo 90 Network itself a year before. I was always too much desperate to listen it as it captivated me and my thoughts.


This review is written by Sweta Baniya. We would like to thank her, for providing such an wonderful Review of Radha, a novel by Krishna Dharabasi. We would also like to thank Achyut Ghimire, Dinesh Niraula, Manteshwori RajBhandari, Sachindra Gautam and Sajita Hamal of Ujyalo 90 Network. And of course we would like to thank  our listeners as well. Our each episode was  downloaded more than 450 times. Radha became one of the hit series in Shruti Sambeg. From Next week, we will podcast a novel ‘Pyas Bhitra Ko Bidhro’ (प्यास भित्र को विद्रोह) by Taslima Nasrin in Shruti Sambeg.


Download Radha:

Radha - Episode-1

Radha - Episode-2

Radha - Episode-3

Radha - Episode-4

Radha - Episode-5

Radha - Episode-6

Radha - Episode-7

Radha - Episode-8

Radha - Episode-9

Radha - Episode-10

Radha - Episode-11

Radha - Episode-12

Radha - Episode-13

Radha - Episode-14

Radha - Episode-15

Radha - Episode-16


  1. Thank you for giving the big opportunity to write and posting it here.

  2. धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद यसका लागी फेरी

  3. Is the story of Radha told in this book true ? And does it matches with the actual story.

  4. Don't know Bro...But writer says, its a novel based on traditional era of Lord Krishna and Radha.

  5. @Ujjwol Lamichhane . राधा उपन्यास कृष्ण धारावासीले पौराणिक कालको महाभारतको राधालाई प्रमुख पात्र बनाएर लेखिएको हो । यसमा सबै पात्रलाई दैब्य शक्तिबाट हटाएर केवल मानवको रुपमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ ।

  6. Is the story of Radha told in this book true ? And does it matches with the actual story.

  7. Thank you for giving the big opportunity to write and posting it here.

  8. i've read this novel,and believe me wen i tell u this,that it's totally fascinating,i'm not only tellin it 4 myself,bt 4 the entire people who've read it.,hell!,i was so dam'n fascinated that i actually wanted 2 go that place,that ''kichakbadh'' or somewhere mentioned in the novel,meet those people & view those 5000 or so years old things,,bt my fascination degraded wen i was told that it ain't real,so guys,enlighten me abt its reality,i'l b damned if it ain't real

  9. by the way my name's raul baral ,i had difficulties on choosin profiles,so i posted it as anonymous.

  10. Yahiyaat murkha banayo lekhak le!

  11. i want pandulipi by krishna dharawasi...

  12. sabai ko mag pura hunu paryo

  13. very tough my heart

  14. RADHA- no comment! no complain! Very nice and touching, I say it's a LOVE story but Trazyc..

  15. ati ramro lagyo dherai dherai dhanyabad.....

  16. fantastic......... very very nice.

  17. dai jeevan kanda ki phool chahi download ma chhina ki kya ho

  18. subash lamsal ("bRaXsToN")August 1, 2012 at 11:37 AM


  19. bharkar matra sunne mauka milyo yakdam ramro lagyo 

  20. now you can get it dear,here is the link click it n download it or listen it online...hope you will enjoy

  21. You can directly go to the official blog for shruti sambeg( and you can download unlimited there hope you will enjoy it

  22. really awesome...very nice

  23. I cant say any words becoz im tatally falldown it

  24. isn't this a true story by raadha herself? purana kura khanera bhetayeko hoina yo lekh jaslai tyo baba le tyo pauranik lipi lai nepali maa anubaad gareka thiye??? ani krishna dharavasi ji le yeshlai upanyash banayeka hoinan?

  25. I haven't listened to whole podcast, I have reached 12th podcast... Well let me finish them all.. But I am loving this...

  26. part 1 chahi 32 bit aru sabai 64 bit ko ?!!! download garnalai ta aru pani 32 bit matrai vaidiya ramro hunthyo aakar ji .

  27. Is it so ???
    Will try to make it available in 32 bit.

  28. thanks 4 ur great job

  29. dherai ramro cha tudal upanayas sunn paidae n?

  30. very very very nice Thanks all team

  31. love this blog...i had listen all of the episode of Palpasa, Radha and sirish ko phool...i wanna listen Karnali blues

  32. Broadlink ko net use Garnu Hola. It will be faster than anyother.. 

  33. मिल्न त मिल्थ्यो तर यसको लागि  हामीलाई फेरि केही समय लाग्छ !

  34. i searched for audio version of "muglan" but i couldn't get it. i wanted to listen it again in your voice. how can i get it. it would be your greatness if u could provide it online.

  35. aakar dai shruti sambeg ko sabai upannyas haru rakhi dinu paryo k. sathi haru lai available sabai di sakke bt they want more n more. n thank u very much for all these. Thank u achyut dai kya voice 6 yar.

  36. ekdum sano file banauna mildaina. hami slow net connection hunelai ta sarai garho bhayo ni ta download garna pani

  37. world ko best novel haru sunna paeko bhae aaja sunma suganda hune thiyo

  38. parivasit aakha haru ko 4th part n 7th part ko link send gardinu na hai [email protected]  ....................bich ko part nai payena so bejok bhako cha............

  39. malai  aru novel download garna nai ayena ...can i view a list to download me..

  40. wanna hear tudal!!!!!!

  41. Radha, really a wonderful touch my heart............

  42. krishna dharabasi ko tudal kahile sunna painchha?

  43. krishna dharabasi ko tudal kahile sunna painchha?

  44. touched my hearts......

  45. can I read Madhavi - written by madan mani dixit in shruit sambeg online

  46. part9 is incomplete can i get the complete one

  47. Please download it again.
    Thank you.

  48. Very nice story, difficult to stop in between.
    We should be proud of having such a good Nepali writer.

  49. pahila ta sadhai programm sunne gareko thiye tara ajabholi time manage garna garo6 so audio version sun6u.tyo pani frens haru bata payekole.maile download try gare from this site bt not working properly.if possible mail me this audio file of these novels Radha,Palpasa cafe 7 and 8th part,sirisko [email protected]

  50. how to download this yar

  51. The one who made this audiobook should seriously improvise his reading skill.There is lack of emotion in his reading.

  52. the story which we are talking about is half true. The writer has tried to explain about the psychology of Radha in modern age. And also by creating non-godly aspect of krishna which is painfully awkward.

  53. सेतो धरती पनि डाउनलोड गर्ने ब्यवस्था मिलाउदिनु न plezzzz

  54. radha upanya ramro lagyo dherai palta suneko xu

  55. दरबार बाहिरकि महारानि पनि डाउनलोड गर्ने व्यबस्था गरिदिनु पर्यो ।

  56. Friends, How to Download all episode at the same time!!?? some one let me know if it can ...

  57. please suggest how to download

  58. Is there any english or hindi version of novel or audiobook available?


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