Tallest Statue of Lord Shiva stands on a high mountain touching the sky and is the tallest Hindu Religion and Lord Shiva statue in the whole world.The construction was started in 2005 and will complete in 2010.
Statue : Tallest Statue of Lord Shiva
Height: 108 ft from Ground [Total 145 ft]
Location: Chittpol (In Between Bhaktapur and Kavre, Nepal)
विश्व कै अग्लो मानिएको एक हातमा त्रिशूल र अर्कोमा डमरु बोकेको शिवको एक सय ४५ फिट अग्लो मुर्ति भक्तपुर को चित्तपोल मा रहेको छ। मूर्तिमा सिमेन्ट र फलामको छड प्रयोग गरिएको छ । मूर्ति जमिनमाथि मात्र एक सय आठ फिट अग्लो छ । मूर्तिडेढ महिनापछि तयार हुने, मूर्तिको रङरोगन भइरहेको छ ।
भक्तपुरको नलिन्चोक चित्तपोल गाविस भवन हुँदै तीन किलोमिटरको यात्रा गरेपछि यहाँ आइपुगिन्छ । त्यस्तै भक्तपुर र काभ्रेको सिमाना साँगाबाट १० मिनेटको पैदलयात्राबाट पनि आउन सकिन्छ । राजधानीका विभिन्न ठाउँबाट यो मूर्ति देखिन्छ ।
मूर्ति अवलोकन गर्न दैनिक चार सयभन्दा बढी सर्वसाधारण पुग्ने गर्छन् । निर्माणकर्ताको दाबीअनुसार शिवको मूर्ति विश्वकै अग्लो हो । मूर्तिको आसपासमा बगैंचा निर्माण गरिएको छ ।
मूर्ति निर्माणका लागि भाटभटेनीमा बस्दै आएका जैनले लगानी गरेका हुन् । जैनको पुर्ख्यौली घर भारत सिलगुडी हो । माघ २९ मा पर्ने शिवरात्रि पूजाका लागि भक्तजनलाई खुला गर्ने भनिए पनि उद्घाटन गर्न साइत नभएकाले वैशाखपछि मात्र पुजापाठका लागि खुला गरिने जैनले बताए । ७५ रोपनी जग्गामा मूर्तिलगायत २४ कोठाको आयुर्वेदिक अस्पतालसमेत निर्माण भइरहेको छ ।
बालबालिकालाई खेल्ने ठाउँ, बिरामी बस्ने चारवटा घर निर्माण भइसकेको छ । मूर्तिको निर्माणकार्य चार वर्षअघिबाट सुरु भएको हो । मूर्ति, आयुर्वेदिक अस्पताल, बालबालिका खेल्ने ठाउँ निर्माणका लागि ११ करोड खर्च भइसकेको उनले बताए । मूर्ति निर्माणका लागि उनले भारतबाट कालिगढ ल्याएका छन् ।
© Photo Credit: Prem Tshering Sherpa
reference: ekantipur
Om Nama Shivaya.... !!!
ReplyDeleteThe pictures are really wonderful....It made me feel so great...and grateful as well towards the constructor of this big statue....
Just a coincidence...I went to Pashupatinath temple today...and had a great feeling....and to find this pictures here...it is making me feel more and more good... :)
Lord Shiva is really great...and moreover the tallest statue in the world...made me felt that...this can attract more and more tourist...it is economically and culturally important...and from now onwards it will be important historically as well...and more attractive while the Nepal Tourism Year is so near....
Om Nama Shivaya once again !!
great job Mr. jain.....!! well done!!! and supper mr. aakar!! we all are awaiting this statue to be completed sooner than later!!!
ReplyDeletehttp://hotnewsfromnepal.blogspot.com Compilation of news of nepal from various sources like ekantipur, myrepublica, nagariknews, nepalnews etc.
ReplyDeleteNice pics!
ReplyDeleteHi Namaskar Jain Jee, We visited today at that place where load shiva statue is located and i was so excited to been there its really amaging,awesome and mind-blowing worked had u done for the Hindu peoples and nepalese, specially for Sanga's local peoples because they got lots of opportunitys and lots of people knew that place recently after stabilized load shiva statue.So finally i want to say Jain jee u had well done and God bless you ..............Avindra
ReplyDeleteHi Namaskar Jain Jee, We visited today at that place where load shiva statue is located and i was so excited to been there its really amaging,awesome and mind-blowing worked had u done for the Hindu peoples and nepalese, specially for Sanga's local peoples because they got lots of opportunitys and lots of people knew that place recently after stabilized load shiva statue.So finally i want to say Jain jee u had well done and God bless you ..............Avindra
ReplyDeleteNice pics!